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When you collect cash and checks on a regular basis, you will need to go to the bank at some point to make a deposit. You can prepare a deposit and print out a deposit slip in the Accounting Manager. Hit the Record Deposits icon to begin. The screen pi...
A Debit Memo is basically a credit that you are giving to yourself from a specific vendor due to a previous incident, such as broken material received or simply a vendor over billed you. In short, It is a financial transaction that takes money away fro...
OVERVIEW: The purpose of this document is to explain how to use Savance Enterprise Warehouse Manager tools in order to create and edit bin locations. LOCATING AND USING THE TOOL: Start Savance Application by clicking on the Icon below on your...
If you need to set a return penalty for either Vendors or Customers: 1. Select 'Admin'->'Administrator' in the top menu. 2. In the popup that follows, select the 'Sites' tab and the 'Site Settings' sub tab under it, then select 'Edit' at the b...
OVERVIEW In this document, we will cover how to to view customer invoices (both paid and open) by job name. FILTERING INVOICES BY JOB ACCOUNT * Click Accounts * Manage Accounts * Search for the Account the job falls under and sele...
When you entering something into a Quote, Order, RFQ, PO, etc. and you need to enter more than (2) decimal places, sometimes the amount is fixed at (2) decimal places preventing you from entering anything more than 2. For example, say the amount was 0.32 ...
First, create an RMA by entering the customer and the item(s) that the customer wishes to return. Be sure to select the Status and the Method. Click Convert. If you are in POS sale, the RMA will automate the process of receiving, crediting the re...
First, you must login to ringcentral [1]. Now go to Settings, Outbound Fax Settings. Click on Cover Page. The best selection is the Modern since it's simple and clean. To Enable or Disable the Fax Cover in Savance Enterprise, you simply need to chec...
OPTION 1 - IF YOU ARE CONNECTED VIA REMOTE DESKTOP SESSION If you are using remote desktop, you can actually just go to the start menu, then type "Log Off" and select that to log off your active session and kill any open sessions of any application ...
When you attempt to use the Import feature built into Microsoft SQL Management Studio and you attempt to import an XLSX file, the system let's you point to it and select it, but then throws a "microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0" error. When this occurs, you need...
OVERVIEW: The purpose of this document is to explain how to use Savance Enterprise Pricing Manager tools in order to update pricing for an item or a group of items. LOCATING AND USING THE TOOL: _Note: If you need to get more information on how...
You can create a new promotion under "Inventory" > "Pricing Manager" A new window will appear. Click on "Promotions Manager": Click "New promotion" on the lower right, check "Use for Purchasing" and fill in the name of the promotion and effecti...
Sometimes a SQL server database has its recovery mode set to Full mode, and without taking a backup, the log file can keep enlarging until it eats up your HDD, eventually crashing your Database or SQL server and causing problems. To resolve this issue ...
After acquiring the price from Square D follow the steps below: 1. Screenshot or print out the quote from e-way. 2. Create the ticket with each item broken out. Create a "bogus" part # for things like panel interiors. Use the basic info - NF...
IMPORTING SQD NEGOTIATED PRICING FILES INTO SAVANCE ENTERPRISE We have developed an import process for adding SquareD Pricing files into your company's Enterprise environment. To import, you will need to request TWO files from SquareD: The Squ...
Every server needs a good backup strategy to protect yourself from potential data loss. This article specifies what needs to be backed up. By backing up the following, then restoration of your Savance Enterprise environment becomes that much quicker an...