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SquareD Pricing Import Process
Posted by Kevin Gilbert on 21 July 2016 10:43 AM
Importing SQD Negotiated Pricing Files into Savance Enterprise We have developed an import process for adding SquareD Pricing files into your company's Enterprise environment. To import, you will need to request TWO files from SquareD: The SquareD Catalog file and the SQD Negotiated Price file. The process is a 4-step procedure and at a high-level it goes: 1. Catalog Import 2. Catalog Commit 3. Pricing Import 4. Pricing Commit The Import/Commit Process for each file is very similar, but it is necessary to import them in the proper order,as the pricing is based from the LIST PRICE. For each file, please follow the steps below:
In Savance Enterprise, select the "Inventory" tab and select "Pricing Manager" This will open the Pricing Manager Window. From here, select "Import Pricing". This will open the Pricing Manager. Here, you need to select "Pricing Import" This will bring up the "Import Settings" window. Here, you will need to select the browse button (circled below) and browse for your Catalog File. In the Template dropdown menu, select 'Schneider Catalog Pricing File' See the image below for examples. Once you have defined your Template Parameters, click the "Process" button.
NEGOTIATED PRICING IMPORT Next we import the Negotiated Pricing file. Select the browse button(circled below) and browse for your Negotiated Pricing File .
The file can be a .csv, .txt, or .xlsx format. If it is .csv or .txt, you will need to set the Separator symbol (see below). SquareD tends to use the '+' Separator Once you have selected your separator, the next step is to define the column headers. This is done by selecting the "FFL Def" field.
In the menu that follows, you can either select to create a new layout or use a previously saved layout. Between the separator and the FFL Definitions, your columns will now be defined. Next, you will need to layout your Column Mapping using a Template. Templates allow you to define certain parameters to apply to the columns in the new pricing. You can either create a new template or use a previously saved Template to define the parameters. See the image below for examples. Template Selection
Applied Template Once you have defined your Template Parameters, click the "Process" button.
COMMITTING No changes have been applied as of yet. You will need to apply the changes in the Main Enterprise window. To apply the changes, select "Admin -> Import History" on the Main window. In the popup window, you will see all of the imports as well as what status that they are currently in. You will see two types of import files, the original file will be named using the following convention <importName>Import. The imports that have not been applied will be marked as "Action Required" (see below). NOTE: The Catalog file MUST be applied first. Select "Action Required". This will open the "Import Results" screen. Here you can select from the different import types (Pricing or Contracts) and see all pending imports. Select the appropriate import and click refresh. This will populate the window with your import information. You will see two columns - "Old" and "New" for each of the columns in your import. This allows you to compare current filed in Enterprise with the new information from you import. Once you are satisfied with the information in your import, select "Process" in the lower left corner of the window. This will now commit the changes to the system. Import results | ||||