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The Comprehensive Guide to Customer Hosted Upgrades and Migrations Part 1
Posted by Travis Fleenor on 13 July 2017 05:32 PM

Upgrading EIOBoard Server on Customer Hosted Installations

I. Different Scenarios and Needs - The Scenarios covered in this guide are as follows

  1. Scenario - Upgrading the EIOBoard Server and Database - No migration
  2. Scenario - Migrating the Server and Database to a new Server
  3. Scenario - Upgrading and Migrating the EIOBoard Server with no database migration
  4. Scenario - Upgrading and Migrating EIOBoard Server and the database

II. Step 1 - No matter which scenario is yours the first step is always to back up your database. During a simple upgrade the installer will automatically back up the database. However, due to possible changes in SQL since installation or other unknowns it is highly recommended that you not rely on the installer and manually backup the SQL database prior to any upgrade or migration. Instructions on how to manually backup the database can be found here

III. Step 2 - The second step for all scenarios is to backup the web.config file from IIS

  1. Open IIS
  2. Find the EIOBoard Website under the sites folder on the left in the Connections pane. Right click on it and choose Explore. EIOBoard will be nested under the Default Web Site or other site in IIS if installed as a virtual directory.
  3. A Windows Explorer Window will open. Find the web.config file (web if extensions aren't displayed). Copy it to the desktop or shared directory where it can be accessed on the new Server.
  4. Back Up Web Config tutorial

IV. Scenario 1 - Step 3 for Upgrades only without migration 

  1. Run the installer as admin and note any errors that occur
  2. Replace the web.config file in IIS with the web.config file you copied to your desktop in Step 2
  3. Restart the EIOBoard Service
  4. Restart IIS
  5. Jump to Step ? - Testing the installation

V. Scenario 2 - Step 3 for Migrating the Server and database to a New Server without upgrade

  1. Note the version and Uninstall EIOBoard Server - Uninstall Tutorial
  2. On the new Server in the roles and features enable IIS metabase compatability, ASP, .NET 3.5, .NET 4.5
  3. On the new Server Install SQL Express and SQL Management Studio if an instance is not already installed
  4. Restore the database backup from step 1 to the new instance of SQL Server-

  6. Download the intranet installer for the EIOBoard Server version you noted down in step 1 go to (replace version number with your version number)
  7. Install the EIOBoard Server using the intranet installer - select the settings you need for email Server AD Sync, etc. - At the SQL screen input the new SQL Instance, SA username and Password. Make sure the Database name matches the database name that was used to create the backup - When asked if you want to overwrite the database choose No - Install EIOBoard with Existing DB Tutorial
  8. In IIS right click on Application Pools and choose add Application Pool. Create a New application pool set to .NET 2.0 and Integrated. Add EIOBoard and WebService to that App Pool - Application Pools Tutorial
  9. Jump to VIII - Testing the installation

VI. Scenario 3 - Step 3 for Upgrading and Migrating the Server with no database migration

  1. Uninstall EIOBoard Server
  2. On the new server run the installer for the latest version of EIOBoard intranet installer using the same steps in step V-5-7 but use the SQL server address instead of localhost\database
  3. Jump to VIII - Testing the installation

VII. Scenario 4 - Follow the same steps in V but use the latest version of the installer

VIII. Testing and trouble shooting the installation -

  1. The first step is to make sure the EIOBoard Service is running. In the system tray right click on the EIOboard Server icon and if needed click Start Service - Start Service Tutorial -
  2. If you are using AD Sync and after an upgrade AD credentials no longer work to sign into the Web Based App and you are given this error message there is a new setting that needs to be changed in EIOBoard Server. Open the EIOBoard Server and go to Management->Settings->AD Sync and change the Auth. Type to the Authentication type set on your AD Server (usually basic). This allows your AD Sync table to populate and alleviates this error (this is a new setting since 9.1.37)

  3. Go to IIS, click on the EIOBoard site on the left and click the Browse link for the site - It should open the login page for the web interface - Browse Website in IIS Tutorial
  4. (if applicable) Open SQL Management Studio and verify that the database was upgraded. If the database version was not upgraded go to this guide on upgrading manually and check the web.config file to make sure the SQL password is correct. If you ran into any SQL authentication errors during your upgrade it is likely that the database was not upgraded and will need to be upgraded manually Check Database Version Tutorial -   Manually Upgrade Database KB Article
  5. Continued in Part 2 -

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