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Knowledgebase: Known Issues
Error message when you browse a web server that has Internet Explorer installed: "ASP 0177:8000ffff"
Posted by Michael Renock on 17 December 2012 11:42 AM

On a Windows-based server that is running Windows Internet Explorer, you install an Internet Explorer cumulative security update that is greater than MS07-045 (KB937143). In this case, when you use any web browser to browse that server, you receive the following error message:


Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 8000ffff'
Server.CreateObject Failed
<FileName>.asp, line <LineNumber>


This problem occurs if a website that you browse is an Active Server Pages (ASP) page that calls a .NET-managed component.  Please visit this Microsoft KB article and apply the hotfix in order to resolve the issue: