If in IIS the tab for ASP.Net does not appear, follow these steps:
- Verify first that you have the .Net 2.0 Framework installed. To do this, go to Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel and verify that you have Microsoft .Net Framework 2 or Microsoft .Net Compact Framework 2.0. You may also click on Windows Update and find it from there. If you do not have it, stop IIS, install it, and start IIS (for instructions on stopping and restarting IIS, see # 8-11 below). Try right clicking on the Web Service virtual directory to see if the tab does not appear. If this does not resolve the issue, proceed below.
If you installed .Net after installing IIS:
- Open the command prompt by going to the Start Menu and clicking on Run and the type in cmd.exe. From here, navigate to (by typing a series of cd .. until you reach the root folder of c: and then you can type cd Windows, cd Microsoft.Net etc. until you reach it. Alternatively you can type in the full path if your version number matches):
C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v2.0.50727. Note: the v2.0.50727 is the version number and yours may be different.
- Once at this directory, type aspnet_regiis.exe –i. Try right clicking on the WebService Virtual Directory again to see if the tab has appeared. If that does not fix the issue, continue below.
If you have had other versions of .Net 2.X installed
- You may have to manually remove any references to other .Net 2.X versions in your registry. Before doing this, verify that no other applications are trying to any version of .Net prior to 2.0 or any deviation from 2.0.0. If you are certain that this is the case and you feel comfortable removing these references, proceed below. If you do not, feel free to contact our support (the info is listed below) and we can connect to your computer remotely and do it for you.
- Go to Start Menu, then Run and then type in regedit.exe. Verify for each of the three locations below that none of them contain a reference to any version other than It is important that there is no number other than zero where XXXX appears in the keys below. If so, remove those keys from the registry:
- Again, right click on the WebService Virtual Directory and see if that fixed it. If it did not, see if one of the conditions below fits your situation.
If you are running IIS on a 64-bit machine
- Try steps 4 through 6 above. That should fix it. If it does not, follow the steps 8-11 below:
- Stop IIS by going to the command prompt (see step 2 above for instructions to get there) and typing: iisreset /stop.
- Navigate to the %systemdrive%\Inetpub\AdminScripts directory. Type the following command:
Cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32BitAppOnWin64 “true”
Then press ENTER.
- Note that if your IIS was previously running in 64-bit mode with some 64-bit ISAPI filters then these filters will need to be removed or changed to their 32-bit equivalents before IIS will run properly in 32-bit mode. For example, if you have ASP.Net 2.0 installed then you’ll need to make sure the ISAPI filter for it points to the 32-bit version of aspnet_filter.dll and not the 64-bit version.
- Start IIS again using iisreset /start
- Again, right click on the WebService Virtual Directory and see if that fixed it. If it did not, see if one of the conditions below fits your situation.
If you have VMWare Server installed on your machine
- There are sometimes issues with VMWare conflicting with the ASP.Net tab under Windows Server 2003. If so, follow the steps below.
- Stop IIS using iisreset /stop
- Open the file C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\MetaBase.xml in Notepad.
- Search for and see if there is a line that says Enable32BitAppOnWin64=”TRUE”. If so, delete it. Save this file.
- Start IIS again using iisreset /start
- If that does not work, the utility listed in step 3 aspnet_regiis.exe -i should now work.