Yes. It is a supported connection. This edge case article makes a few assumptions about your understanding of the current EIOBoard Server configuration. You will need to know the machine hosting the SQL Server, a SQL user account with permissions over the EIOBoard database. The upgrade process from early version 9 does not follow the standard upgrade installation process. This requires an advanced mode installation.
- Uninstall the EIOBoard Server from Programs and Features
- If the uninstall fails, install and run the Windows Cleanup Utility to remove the installation references to EIOBoard Server.
- Stop the EIOBoard Service and remove the registry entry under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services"
- Under Program Files (x86), rename the installation folder 'Savance' to 'V9_Savance'
- Delete the EIOBoard Website from IIS Manager
- When prompted, 'Skip the Database'
- Select your option for the EIOBoard website
- Upon successfully installing the EIOBoard Server, move forward with upgrading the database. Note: The database must be hosted on SQL Server 2012 R2 or newer.
- Connect to the Database from Management Studio to execute these upgrade scripts sequential on the SolutionSavant database or your renamed EIOBoard database
- Execute the upgrade script related to the installer.
- Verify the web.config file to include the proper SQL Connection information around line 22
- Verify the Database references the new EIOBoard Server Settings
- Verify your login credentials validate on the web application
Delete the 'V9_Savance' folder once the version 10 installation is operational. This completes the advanced mode upgrade process with a remote SQL server instance.