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Using Java with the EIOBoard SDK
Posted by Kevin Merta on 25 May 2011 04:00 PM

Java does not support .NET Recordsets, so different functions of our webservice must be used to return the data in Array’s compatible with Java.

Download the sample

Requirements to run the sample:
JRE6 to the run test application, you can download it from the following link:

What’s Included

  • Src - contains the java source code which the webservice consumers can use as a reference.
  • Bin - contains the jar file which works like an executable and a batch file to make a sample call to the webservice.

Running the Sample
The batch file contains the following command:
java -jar TestEIOBoard.jar

To run it against your webservice, you will want to use the url of your webservice and keep the “?wsdl” marked in yellow.

For example, if EIOBoard is installed on EIOBoardServer in a virtual directory called EIOBoard using the default webservice folder, you would adjust the command to be:
java -jar TestEIOBoard.jar http://EIOBoardServer/EIOBoard/WebService/service.asmx?wsdl

Finally, run the bat file and it should contact the webservice and get you a list of all of your contacts as a demonstration.

Netbeans was used to develop the tester using JAX-WS, with the wsimport.exe command line tool that is shipped with java to generate the proxy classes to contact the webservice.