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Knowledgebase: Features
How to Update Your Status Using SMS
Posted by Savance on 25 April 2011 02:51 PM
  1. Be sure you have the “Cell Phone” field with your accurate cell phone number in the Administrator,  by right clicking on your name in the application or add-in on the status view board and saying contact info, then Edit, or in the browser interface by clicking on My Info and Settings.
  2. Send an SMS to your assigned EIOBoard SMS number or 505-404-7360 if you are EIOBoard-Hosted using the following rules


Text Message Body Usage:
{Status_Or_Status_Alias} {Return_Time} {Comment}

{Status_Or_Status_Alias} = Exact text of the Status Name from the Administrator, Status Management, Status Name or Status Alias from the Administrator, Status Management, Status Alias (Note: Only 7.1 or higher can set the Status Alias)
{Return_Time} = Relative date/time or Specific date/time.  Relative would include X min/minute/minutes/m, X hour/hours/hr/h, X day/days/d such as 30 minutes or 1 hr.
{Comment} = Remaining unparsed text is mapped to the comment in EIOBoard


Complete Status Update Examples

StatusStatus Alias
 In I
 Out O
 Lunch L
 Out of Office OOO
 Bathroom B
 Meeting M

Please note the quotation marks in the examples below are meant to show the exact text that is entered.  You should not use quotation marks unless they are part of your (optional) comment. 

Set status to In, unknown return time
Ex1: “In”
Ex2: “I”

Set status to Out, today is 11/25/2010 at 3:30pm, return time in 30 minutes
Ex1: “Out 30 minutes”
Ex2: “Out 30m”
Ex3: “O 30m”
Ex4: “Out 30minutes”
Ex5: “Out 30 min”
Should set status to Out with a return time of 11/25/2010 4:00pm and no comment

Set status to Out of Office, return time tomorrow at 9:00am, with comment “call my cell”
Ex1: “OOO 1d 9:00am call my cell”
Ex2: “OOO 1d 9:00 call my cell” (if am/pm is not used, assume military time)
Ex3: “out of office 11/26/2010 9:00am call my cell”
Should set status to Out of Office with a return time of 11/26/2010 9:00am and “call my cell” as the comment


Changing Time Zone Setting
If you notice that when you use a specific return time like 9am or 4/1/2011 9:00am is off by a factor of plus or minus one or more hours, you probably need to set your time zone.

tz {TimeZoneCode} DST
tz = Time Zone Reserved Word Command
{TimeZoneCode} = valid time zone code like EST, CST, MST, or PST
DST = If you live in an area that observes DST sometime throughout the year, you should specify DST at the end of the tz command


Time Zone Codes:
HST (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)
AKST (Alaskan Standard Time)
PST (Pacific Standard Time)
MST (Mountain Standard Time)
CST (Central Standard Time)
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
AST (Atlantic Standard Time)
SST (Samoa standard time)
ChST (Chamorro standard time)

Time Zone Examples
tz est dst
tz pst


For Intranet Users Only
If you wish to use EIOBoard’s SMS inbound number, but are customer-hosted, you can subscribe to an annual subscription to use our shared number.  When this service is used, each cell phone is required to be registered to be identified with the correct organization.  In addition, your organization must be configured on our servers to send to your HTTP location and our server(s) need to be in your IP White List or Accept All Inbound must be enabled.  Finally, our server must be configured to relay to your server’s URL for your organization.

To register a cell phone, all you have to do is send a text message to the main EIOBoard number (505-404-7360) with the simple message “register {OrganizationNumber}” where you OrganizationNumber can be obtained by going to Administrator, Company Settings.  If you wish to unregister a phone for whatever reason, just send “unregister {OrganizationNumber}”