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Knowledgebase: Mobile Interface
How to set up emulators to test EIOBoard Mobile for a BlackBerry or an Android
Posted by Savance on 13 August 2010 05:39 PM


  1. Download the zip file:
  2. Unzip to a folder.
  3. Go into the folder and run "Run Emulator(with Boot Animation).exe", then finally, here’s how to start browsing the internet:
    1. Hit the “house” icon
    2. Hit the small grey tab at the bottom
    3. Go to “settings” then “Wireless Controls”
    4. Uncheck “Airplane Mode”
    5. Hit the “house” icon
    6. Hit the browser icon

You are now ready to test a mobile website in android.

This was originally downloaded from:, then I had to unzip it, then add the RAR extension to the unzipped file, then expand the archive, then figure out how to do the above.


  1. Install and install the Java Development Kit (JDK) 6u21 (1.6.21) for your platform from:
  2. Download the zip file:
  3. Unzip to a folder.
  4. Install the Blackberry Email MDS
  5. Install the Blackberry Simulators
  6. Rename the new program files folder to BlackBerry so you can find it easier (optional)
  7. To use it:
    1. Launch the Email/MDS program (will open a DOS window that scrolls with text as data moves through it)
    2. Launch the Blackberry


    1. I had to disable graphics acceleration from View, Graphics Acceleration, Off
    2. Also went to Edit, Map Middle Mouse Button setting, and set to Trackball Click
    3. To do anything, you must click on the center button, hold, and move the mouse, then click to select an area.   You can also use your keyboard for some navigation, but not all.