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How to back up the Savance EIOboard Database
Posted by Elizabeth Stanley on 06 April 2022 03:21 PM

If you're migrating your server you'll need to create the backup file to move to the new server. It is also considered good practice to backup your database before major upgrades of either EIOboard or the server itself. Fortunately, there are two ways to easily back up your database, and even set it up to backup nightly:

SQL Tasks

1. By Default, there's already a SQL Task to backup your database in the EIOBoard Server Admin. To find it, open up EIOBoard Server Admin and go to the SQL Tasks tab.


2. To set the location you want the .bak file to be saved to, edit the Backup Database job. Confirm where it is being backed up to (@BackupLocation) and change it as needed. Then click Cancel or Save if you made changes to go back on the SQL Tasks tab


3. To make a current backup immediately, Right click on the Backup Database job and say process now. Look in the bottom left corner to follow the status of the job until it is complete.

4. Then you can navigate to the location specified in the job, find the file specified in @BackUpName and confirm the date/time of the file to make sure it is now.



1. You can also do it through SQL Server Management Studio:

2. Launch SSM and Log into the SQL Server EIOBoard is on.

3. Right Click the SolutionSavant database, then select 'Back up' under 'Tasks'


4. By Default they will go to 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Backup' but you can also edit where on the disk the backup will be saved to: