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How do you edit the Hosts Profile of the Here To See question?
Posted by Elizabeth Stanley on 20 October 2021 12:21 PM

The Host Profile for the Here To See question determines who shows up on the list for Visitors to select who they are here to see. It can be edited either from the Kiosk, or from the Question Manager on the Web if all your kiosks are above version 10.3.


In the Kiosk

1. Enter Your Kiosk Settings

2. In Visitor Management-> Questions, select the 'Who are you Here To See?' Question and press Edit.

3. In the 'Here To See' Tab, all the Host Profiles for the question will be listed. Here you can select which Host Profile will be used, and See what it's current Settings are

4. When editing a Host Profile, these are your options:

a. The Name of the Profile

b. Whether it shows all Users or Groups as options, or a filtered one. When you choose Filtered, you can then check any users you wish to appear, and uncheck any you don't want to.

c. Whether the Host Profile will list Staff or Groups

d. Whether the options will be displayed in a List Format, or as Buttons

e. Whether the users current status is shown along with their name.


5. In the Kiosk you can also set whether the Host Profile loads immediately, or after the user begins to search. You can also specify the minimum number of characters the user is required to search before it loads as well. It is generally recommended to use this setting if you have a large number of users, as it can greatly improve load time.


In the Question Manager

1. You can also edit the Hosts Profile from the Question Manager, by entering the settings for the question. Then you can select your profile from the dropdown, or click the + button to add or edit one.

2. Here you can make the same changes as on the Kiosk

a. The Name of the Profile

b. Whether it shows all Users or Groups as options, or a filtered one. When you choose Filtered, you can then check any users you wish to appear, and uncheck any you don't want to.

c. Whether the Host Profile will list Staff or Groups

d. Whether the options will be displayed in a List Format, or as Buttons

e. Whether the users current status is shown along with their name.


At the bottom you can search and select which People, Locations, and Groups will be visible to chose between with the filter options.


Note: The List of Staff will include Accounts that are set to invisible. This is so you can set up accounts just for Alerts(Set the First and Last name to what you want to display, then the Email and Cell to the addresses you want alerted) but that you don't want showing the Home or Status Board Views by making that user account, then setting it to invisible in the user settings. This does mean you may need to remove any service accounts you have from the filter if you don't want them to show up.


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