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Is the UV light harmful? What is the UV light used for on kiosks and how does it work?
Posted by Elizabeth Stanley on 18 August 2021 09:23 AM

What does the UV Cleaner accessory do?

This module and bracket automatically clean any pathogens left on the kiosk, including the Coronavirus. It works by detecting kiosk usage and then once the coast is clear, it starts a cleaning cycle that emits low powered UV light that is safe to humans for short exposure, but unsafe to germs. The UV light penetrates the cells and destroys their DNA. This provides a completely automated disinfection method that uses UV-C energy to inactivate microorganisms at the genetic level by scrambling their cellular DNA. UV-C is the most lethal wavelength to microorganisms.


How does the UV Cleaner Work?

When the device detects motion, it triggers a cleaning cycle that will start when motion is no longer detected.  The cleaning cycle defaults to 5 minutes (double check the default) but is configurable. The amount of time the UV light is on is directly proportional to its effectiveness for the amount of a bacteria left on a surface and the distance away from the light. The manufacturer has determined 5 minutes is a good balance. If the kiosk is used during this time frame, the cycle will start over and the UV light will continue to attempt to finish an entire cleaning cycle before going dormant. UV light is only turned on when there is no motion detected by the device to ensure user safety even to the low amount of UV light emitted from the device.


Is the UV Cleaner Safe to use?

"Yes, we adhere to and test the limits outlined by AIHA(American Industrial Hygiene Association). We are a very active member of the IUVA (International Ultraviolet Association). Our clinical scientist sits on a number of committees and speaks internationally on the uses of UVC disinfection in various industries, including Healthcare. We test to the TLV’s and ensure that we are well under the exposure levels in 'worst-case' scenarios. We used the NIOSH recommendations (same as the ACGIH), as our baseline for acceptable interaction levels. This is outlined in our Peer-Reviewed Paper that was published for UV-CLEAN.
We went further than the recommendations and reduced the interaction exposures using methods the AIHA suggests in the white paper (interlocks [AKA motion sensors] and timed disinfection cycles).
We also direct the light to its intended surface, another suggested idea, by covering wandering light with a visor within the shape of the housing.
The Proximity Peer-Reviewed UV-Clean white paper on our website describes the NIOSH acceptable amounts described in the AIHA white paper and how the UV-Clean device compares"- Proximity Systems




Additional Information

For additional information, see the FAQs on the manufacturer's Website

and the UV Cleaner Page on our Website: