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FAQ: Azure Active Directory Integration
Posted by Robert Joseph on 19 October 2020 10:07 AM
  1. What EIOBoard interfaces support the Azure Active Directory integration?

    The Azure Active Directory integration is supported on the EIOBoard browser, desktop application, and Outlook Add-in interfaces. EIOBoard began supporting the Azure Active Directory integration with version 10.2.1.

  2. How does EIOBoard support an access control integration and the Azure Active Directory integration?

    The Azure Active Directory Integration and access control integration need to match on full name or email address. If an access control integration came first, Azure AD must match existing users by full name or email address.

  3. Can EIOBoard import pictures from Azure Active Directory?

    Yes, picture import is an option in the Microsoft integration settings


    4. How do I setup the EIOBoard Azure Active Directory Integration?

        See the attached guide for how to install and set up the Integration and it's settings:




If they sync with O365 first, then when they sync with access control we will need to match on name or email if available. If they sync with access control first, we’ll need to do the same.integration integration 

 eioboard-microsoft azure ad integration setup.pdf (700.43 KB)