Support Suite
Configuring GPS Zone Status Updates for the mobile application.
Posted by Dan Thibodeau on 26 September 2019 09:15 AM
This article will guide you through the process of implementing GPS Status updates with location based zones on the mobile app. First, the settings in the EIOBoard must be configured to allow for GPS status updates. Company setting “Allow GPS Status Updates” must be enabled. This enables the GPS status updates company wide. From here, users may individually enable or disable their GPS zone status updates, but without this setting, they will not be able to configure them at all. The company user setting below must be enabled and deployed and can be optionally locked. Without this setting enabled, users will be able to configure the zone status updates, but it will not change their status. In the application, allow access to your location and ensure that your phone is following your location. If a problem occurs here, it may be a phone setting disabling your location sharing.
In your application settings, you must then enable location tracking which allows the application to check your location throughout the day. Finally, you must set up your zone and your zone in status and zone out status. Key:
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