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Exporting and Importing Users From One Database to Another
Posted by Robert Joseph on 11 October 2018 05:01 PM

In some instances, data from one EIOBoard database may need to be merged into another new or existing EIOBoard database. This also might be necessary if an organization is moving from on-premise to a cloud account. Using SQL Server Management Studio and Excel you can extract user profile data and save it to a spreadsheet. Then, import this data into a new database or cloud account.

Exporting Users from an EIOBoard Database

Our basic process will be:

  • Find the Users
  • Pick out the transferable information
  • Copy the results table displaying data
  • Paste it into an Excel sheet
  • Import Users with the EIOBoard Import Wizard: 

1. Open Management Studio and connect to the SQL instance that hosts EIOBoard. Log in with Windows Authentication or SQL Authentication. The default database name is SolutionSavant. The database may be named something else i.e. EIOBoard.

2. Right-click on the database named 'SolutionSavant.'

3. Click on New Query to open a new query window. Copy and Paste the following red text below into the Query window:

SELECT Contacts.FirstName, Contacts.LastName, Contacts.EmailAddress, Contacts.Phone, Contacts.Ext, Contacts.Cell, Users.UserName, Users.Password, Users.UserID, Users.UserPIN, Contacts.Position AS Title, Contacts.GroupList, Contacts.StaticComment, Contacts.Fax, Contacts.Pager, Contacts.HomePhone, Contacts.HomeAddress, Contacts.HomeCity, Contacts.HomeState, Contacts.HomeZip, Contacts.HomeFax, Contacts.HomeEmail FROM Contacts INNER JOIN Users ON Contacts.ContactSys = Users.ContactSys


If your server hosts multiple organizations it will need to be:

SELECT Contacts.FirstName, Contacts.LastName, Contacts.EmailAddress, Contacts.Phone, Contacts.Ext, Contacts.Cell, Users.UserName, Users.Password, Users.UserID, Users.UserPIN, Contacts.Position AS Title, Contacts.GroupList, OrganizationLocations.LocationName, Contacts.StaticComment, Contacts.Fax, Contacts.Pager, Contacts.HomePhone, Contacts.HomeAddress, Contacts.HomeCity, Contacts.HomeState, Contacts.HomeZip, Contacts.HomeFax, Contacts.HomeEmail FROM Contacts INNER JOIN Users ON Contacts.ContactSys = Users.ContactSys INNER JOIN OrganizationLocations ON Contacts.OrganizationLocationSys = OrganizationLocations.OrganizationLocationSys

/*This query result is the list of Users we will extract.*/


3. Click Execute or F5. The Results will populate the bottom of the Query window. 

4. Left-click the top-left corner of the Results pane, where the columns and rows overlap. This highlights all the data in the results window.

5. Right-click and select: "Copy with Headers."

6. Open a new Excel Spreadsheet.

7. Right-click in the empty Excel sheet and choose Paste. 

Not all fields need to be populated. The import fields required to add new users are First Name, Last Name, Email Address, User Name, and Password.

The full list of available Excel import fields is: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Phone, Ext, Cell, User Name, Password, User ID, User PIN, Title, Group List, Location Name, Static Comment, Fax, Pager, Home Phone, Home Address, Home City, Home State, Home Zip, Home Fax, and Home Email.

8. Save this Spreadsheet (updating any desired fields) and close the sheet.

9. Now you are ready to import your users! Start the Import process in the Administrator Window. Getting Started with the User Import Wizard

Helpful Links:

User Import Wizard:

Sample Import Sheet: (Excel File)


Importing Users into EIOBoard

  1. Now that you have your exported list, you can modify the export file to add any additional columns within the spreadsheet to include optional fields.  To see a sample import template to see all the columns that we import to, download the Sample Import Sheet.
  2. The Import Users feature is found in the Web Portal and the EIOBoard Application Interface or EIOBoard Outlook Interface.
    1. Using the Web Portal, change the Sample Import Sheet from the older XLS format to the XLSX format. Then, follow the
    2. Using the other interfaces continue to the next step with either the XLS or XLSX format generated by Excel. 
  3. With your import list perfected (Left aligned data in all columns, no completely blank or null columns, no weird data type formatting), login to either the EIOBoard Application Interface or EIOBoard Outlook Interface as an EB Admin. 
  4. Open the Administrator, which by default will load the “Users” tab. 
  5. Click the “Import” button to open the EIOBoard User Import wizard. 
  6. Go through the steps of the import wizard to select your import file, match up the columns from the source columns on the template to the destination columns in EIOBoard (as seen in the screenshot below), preview your import, and finish the import to add the users.