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On-Prem only - Remove or Modify the Comment (Nightly Status Update) that shows up when users are automatically signed out at midnight
Posted by Travis Fleenor on 02 May 2018 10:58 AM
This article applies only to customers who have an on premise aka customer hosted installation of EIOBoard. Some of our on-prem customers have asked if they can remove the default comment (NightlyStatusUpdate) that shows up when users are signed out Automatically by the Sign Out All Users at Midnight setting. If you wish to remove or change this comment for future status updates that occur as a result of this setting here's what you need to do.
First, go into SQL Server Management Studio and expand the SolutionSavant database. Then expand Programmability. Under Programmability find the Stored Procedure called dbo.eb_ProcessSignOutAllUsers. Right click on it and select Modify. The stored procedure will open up in the Query window. Be very careful here. You do not want to make any change to this other than the one specified. Scroll down in the code until you see this-
then delete this text only (Nightly Status Update). Make sure not to delete the single quotation marks only what's inside them so it looks like this
Then up above the query window click execute or press the F5 key to execute the modify statement and modify the procedure. From now on your Nightly Status Updates will have no comment. You can also put some other text between the single quotations to have that as a comment instead if preferred. The most important thing is not to delete those single quotation marks as that will cause the operation to fail.

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