Support Suite


How to Configure Roll Call Profiles
Posted by Travis Fleenor on 16 February 2018 03:53 PM

When you are doing a roll call from the mustering tablet during an emergency you probably will not want to see every EIOBoard user in your organization but only the ones who are in the building or the ones from just your department. Using Roll Call Profiles you can filter users out of your Roll Calls using several criteria such as Status, Group, User Type, Status Type and even customer search filters you created in the EIOBoard Administration panel.


To do this tap on the settings from the home screen of the EIOBoard tablet and then tap on Roll Call Profiles

If you have not yet created any profiles tap on NEW

You must first give the Profile a name. Then set the various filters the way that works best for your organization, for instance all Status Types of IN or all users statused into a particular location. Once you have set the filters the way you prefer tap DONE


then you will see the profile listed on the Roll Call Profiles Screen. If you want to use it as your default profile you may but be aware that a default profile roll call cannot be marked complete from the tablet. It must be marked complete from the Administration Panel of the Desktop Application or Outllook Add-in and not everyone has access to this.

If you do not wish to select a default profile just don't check any of the check boxes. To get back to the Home screen tap HOME

The next time you tap on roll calls if you selected a default roll call you will immediately see a grid with all of the users who match your filter criteria. If not you can click New and select the profile you wish to use for this Roll Call. You can also choose to edit a roll cal before you begin. After you are done making any changes to and selecting your profile tap done to start the roll call. you should see only the users you wish to view. You also have the option of tapping CUSTOM to create a custom roll call on the fly. This allows you to create a temporary Profile to be used only on the current Roll Call.