Support Suite


How to Add New Users Automatically with Active Directory Sync
Posted by Travis Fleenor on 21 June 2017 04:09 PM


Past version 10.3.47, you can check Active Directory Security Groups to be synced.

In the AD tree, security groups are represented by  Group icon, and group members are listed under its respective security group. This will allow you to just create one security group for users to sync to EIOBoard, then check that group. Then in the future you can manage adding users completely through Active Directory by just adding them to that group in Active Directory.


The setting shown below in EIOBoard server settings will allow you to set EIOBoard to automatically add new users anytime a new user is added to an OU that is checked in the AD Sync Template.

In the Active Directory Sync Tab of EIOBoard Server you can choose which OUs and users should be synced using check boxes. But what if you have an OU selected for sync but only some of the users in that OU checked as shown below. How will the Automatically Add New Users setting deal with this case?

If any Sync occurs before refreshing the Template, the user will be synced automatically. If the template is refreshed after that Sync occurs the user will then appear in the template with a check by their name.

If, however, the template is refreshed prior to the Sync whether a manual or automatic Sync, the user will show up in the template without a check mark and will not sync unless they are checked before the sync occurs.