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Trade Service Import
Posted by Sam Gaid on 26 September 2016 05:00 PM
Overview: The purpose of this document is to explain how to keep Savance Enterprise Trade Service pricing up-to-date using the new built-in import process. Preparing and Organizing: The first step in importing Trade Service will be to get the trade service file. This is done through subscribing to Trade Service (usually for a standard fee). This will provide you a monthly update file that contains a huge pricing and product database which can be imported into Savance Enterprise. Once you sign up for a Trade Service, you will be provided with an ftp download link and credentials. Once you obtain the Price file, it is time to update your current database Launching and using the import tool Start Savance Enterprise Application by clicking on the Icon below located on your desktop: Once Savance Enterprise Is launched, click on the following menu icons to launch the import tool. If you do not see these icons, contact your administrator to give you the proper security rights to launch this tool: Once the import tool has launched, click next: Now, in the next screen, choose the below options: Import Type: Inventory Template: Trade Service Inventory - Pricesvc.txt Site: (This will be your site name) Warehouse: (Your warehouse) Note: There will be a default import template the system (Template: Trade Service Inventory - Pricesvc.txt) with default set of mapping. any changes to that default set will be considered a professional services request (Charges usually occur to professional services). Now you will point the import tool to the file you want to import. Click on the (…) button next to the input file text box. This will launch the input file selection dialog where you can navigate to the file. Pay special attention to the file type box. You will need to change this to the file extension that your file is in order to see it in the navigation window. Once you have selected your type and pointed to the file, click the open button to return to the import tool:
Notice I have changed the File types on the lower right corner to Tab Delimited so I am able to see the files. After you select the file, press “Open”. We should look like this (Of Course the input file location is different): Click “Next”, and you will reach this screen: Depending on what kind of data we are bringing into the system, the scenarios might change and these check marks will reflect what data will be imported, Let's take different scenarios and define what should be checked: First Scenario: Importing completely new data to inventory: For example, I am importing New data to my inventory, I do not have all of it in stock, yet it might be required on later stages so I import the whole catalog. In this case I will do the below:
Update only: Unchecked Import Directly to Local inventory: Unchecked Import into Master Inventory Only: Checked Item Key is “Manufacturer UCC and Part number” Under “Matches based on different keys” make sure that “Update UPC, Enable, and Update part number” are selected. Refer to the below link if you need more info on how to add items from master inventory to local inventory: Second Scenario: Only update changes: I am only updating My inventory pricing, I do not need to add new data: Update only :Checked Import Directly into local directory: Unchecked Item Key is “Manufacturer UCC and Part number” Under “Matches based on different keys” make sure that “Update UPC, Enable, and Update part number” are selected. Refer to the below for more information on what do these checkmarks do, this will help you decide how you want to import your data: Update Only: When checked, only the data that matches an existing item in the database will be imported. All others will be ignored. Import directly into Local Inventory: When checked, the import process will skip the comparison wizard and bring the data directly into the local database. Import into Master Inventory ONLY: When checked, the import process will only import the info into the master database and will not give you the option to bring it into the local database. The system will now run through some pre programmed checks on the data to make sure that there will not be any problems when we import the data into your live system. This process may take some time to complete depending on the size of the file you are trying to import. The progress bar will let you know how you are progressing: Once this is complete, you will need to confirm that any erroneous rows will not be imported and then click on next: Once you click next, you will then be prompted to give the import a name and a description. This information will appear in the log later. Give it a meaningful name and click Next. Once you do this, the actual import will start: The import is now running and the progress bar will show you what is going on. This process may take some time to complete depending on the size of the file you are trying to import. If you choose to only import into master, when this is done the import will be complete. If you choose to import directly into local, when this is done the import will be complete. If you did not choose either of those, then when this is done the Comparison Wizard will appear so that you can verify what changes are going to happen to your local inventory BEFORE they actually happen: The comparison wizard below shows you all of the changes that are about to happen. You can check and uncheck rows or entire columns so that the system will not import those changes. You can use the checkboxes at the top to only see the subset of items that you care about. Once you are ready to update your local inventory, click on the update button. Once this is finished your import will now be in the system and your users will see the new changes immediately: Conclusion This is a powerful tool that allows you to quickly and easily keep your pricing and critical item data up to date. Keep in mind that you are updating your local inventory data so you should take extra care when using this tool. | |