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Knowledgebase: Accounts Payable
Paying Bills With A Credit Card
Posted by Michael Renock on 11 February 2015 01:14 PM

It is possible to pay a vendor bill using a credit card in Savance Enterprise.  First, you will need to set up a liability ledger account specifically for the credit card you will be using to make the bill payments.  Give the ledger a name and description.  Make sure the type is set to Liability and both Credit Card and Enabled are checked.  You can learn more about this at the Ledger Accounts knowledge base article.



Next, you will need to set up a credit card payment type, one that will be used to make the bill payments.  Give the payment type a name and a description.  Place a checkmark in the charge box and choose AP Credit as the card type.  For the default AP ledger account, choose the liability ledger that you have designated for these transactions.



In the Pay Bills section of the Accounting Manager, choose the bills that you would like to pay.  For the payment method, choose the payment type that you just created.  The default liability ledger account that you associated with it will automatically be chosen.  However, you can choose a different liability ledger account at this point, if necessary.  Hit the Pay Bills button to process the payment.  You can find out more information on this process at the Enter & Pay A Bill knowledge base article.



If you examine the liability ledger account that you used to pay the bill, there will be a credit entry with some details about the payment.



Your Accounts Payable ledger account will have a matching debit entry.



You can also keep track of other company expenses that are paid for using a credit card, such as gasoline or advertising expenses.  To do so, open the Ledger Accounts in the Accounting Manager.  Pick right-click on the ledger account that you have designated as your expense account.  Choose the Make General Ledger Entry option.



This brings up the Make General Ledger Entries screen.  You will want to type in the expense as a credit for the Expense ledger and a debit for the credit card ledger that you created above.  For example, a $100 credit card expense will look like this.  You can add multiple expenses at once.  Hit Save & Close when you are done.



When it comes time to pay the credit card bill, you will need to transfer money.  There is a Bank Transfer option in the Accounting menu.



The Bank Transfer screen comes up.  You can choose one of your checking accounts to transfer from.  You can choose one of your liability accounts to transfer to.  In this case, you will want to transfer to the credit card liability account that you set up previously.  Key in the amount of the payment, and add an optional comment.  Hit the Process Transfer button when ready.



The liability ledger account will now have a debit entry reflecting this.  The bank account you chose will have the matching credit entry.



That ought to cover how to pay bills with a credit card.

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