Savance Enterprise has numerous print templates. This knowledge base article lists each one, along with all the different events that trigger it to print.
- Hit the Print button when you have a Quote open.
- Select the Print or Print Preview option from the Order menu when you have a Quote open.
- Hit the Print button when you have an Order open.
- Select the Print or Print Preview option from the Order menu when you have an Order open.
- Hit the Print button when you have a Request For Quote (RFQ) open.
- Select the Print or Print Preview option from the Order menu when you have an RFQ open.
- Hit the Print button when you have a Purchase Order (PO) open.
- Select the Print or Print Preview option from the Order menu when you have a PO open.
- Prints when you convert an order and the item is in stock.
- Prints when you unlock an order, add an item that is available, and hit Save.
- Prints when you process back orders, making an item allocated for an order.
Shipper (Items)
- Prints when you hit the Print Packaging Lists button and choose the Print Per Release option. This is found on the Packing tab of the shipper.
- Prints when you post an order to the packed stage and you have the “Automatically Print Packaging List after Packaging” option set in Administration -> Warehouses -> Shipping Settings.
- When packing an order on the Handheld, once you are done packaging all items on an order, hit Done & Print. After you choose the staging area, this is automatically generated.
- When packing an order on the Handheld, hit the Done button. You will be given some printing options that you can check. Make sure that the "Print" option is checked and the "One per Pkg" option is unchecked under Packing Slips. You will be able to choose the Shipper (Items) template on the next screen, and it will print after you choose the Staging Area and hit the Done button.
Put Away Report
- There is a setting under Administration -> Warehouses -> Receiving Settings called “Automatically print Put Away Report after receiving” to automatically print after posting to the received stage.
- Hit the Print button when you have a Vendor Return open.
- Select the Print or Print Preview option from the Order menu when you have a Vendor Return open.
- On the Handheld, after you receive all items on a Purchase Order and hit the Finish PO button, the Put Away Report prints.
- In the shipper of an order, once you post to delivered, place a checkmark in the Invoiced box under the Invoicing tab. This prints once you save.Hit the Print button when you have a Return To Vendor (RTV) open.
- There is a setting under Administration -> Warehouses -> Shipping Settings called “Automatically Generate Invoice after” to automatically print after posting to the specified stage.
- There are two setting under Administration -> Warehouses -> Shipping Settings called “Automatically Generate Invoice after” and “Auto Post Shippers To Delivered”. When both are checked, an invoice will print after converting a non-cash sale.
- If you queue the Invoice for printing later, then go to the Print Documents section of the Accounting Manager to complete the process.
- There is a setting under Administration -> Warehouses -> Receiving Settings called “Automatically print Put Away Report after receiving” to automatically print after posting to the received stage.
- Hit the Print button when you have a Vendor Return open.
- Select the Print or Print Preview option from the Order menu when you have a Vendor Return open.
Inventory Label
- In the Label Printing Manager, choose Inventory Label. The Label Printing Manager is found in the Order menu, as well as the Packaging tab of a shipper.
- On the Handheld, after adding a new item to a Quote or Order, the part information screen comes up that has the Print Label button available.
- On the Handheld, if you editing an item on an existing Quote or Order, the part information screen has the Print Label button available.
- When receiving a Purchase Order on the Handheld, after you scan an item, the Print Label button becomes available on the following part information screen.
- When receiving a Purchase Order on the Handheld, after you scan an item, the Print Label button becomes available on the screen where you enter the quantity.
- When putting away items on the Handheld, after you scan the part number and location, the Print Label button becomes available on the screen where you enter the quantity.
- When picking an order on the Handheld, once you scan a part number, the Print Label button becomes available.
- When picking an order on the Handheld, once you scan the location, the Print Label button becomes available.
- When packing an order on the Handheld, the screen where you choose to add the item to a package contains the Print Label button.
Shipper Label (Items)
- Hit the Print Packaging Labels button on the Packaging tab of a shipper and choose the Print Per Item option.
- When packing an order on the Handheld, after you add an item to a package and choose the quantity packed, the Printing Options screen comes up. Hit Print to generate.
- When packing an order on the Handheld, hit the Done button. You will be given some printing options that you can check. Make sure that the "Print" option is checked and the "Per Item" option is checked under Labels. You will be able to choose the Shipper Label (Items) template on the next screen, and it will print after you choose the Staging Area and hit the Done button.
Shipper (Packages)
- Hit the Print Packaging Labels button on the Packaging tab of a shipper and choose the Print Per Package option.
- When packing an order on the Handheld, hit the Done button. You will be given some printing options that you can check. Make sure that the "Print" option is checked and the "One per Pkg" option is checked under Packing Slips. You will be able to choose the Shipper (Packages) template on the next screen, and it will print after you choose the Staging Area and hit the Done button.
Shipper Label (Packages)
- Hit the Print Packaging Labels button on the Packaging tab of a shipper and choose the Print Per Package option. A package must exist for the items.
- When packing an order on the Handheld, once you are done packaging all items on an order, hit Done & Print. After you choose the staging area, this is automatically generated.
- When packing an order on the Handheld, hit the Done button. You will be given some printing options that you can check. Make sure that the "Print" option is checked and the "Per Item" option is unchecked under Labels. You will be able to choose the Shipper Label (Packages) template on the next screen, and it will print after you choose the Staging Area and hit the Done button.
Install Location Label
- In the Label Printing Manager, choose Install Location Label. Install locations must be specified for the items. The Label Printing Manager is found in the Order menu, as well as the Packaging tab of a shipper.
- In the Warehouse Manager’s Shipping section, there is a Manifests tab. Select a manifest. The Manifest Actions button has a Print Manifests option.
- On the Handheld, after choosing Delivery -> Leave Building, choose the in-transit location and hit the Select button. Now hit the Print button to generate the Manifest.
Shipper (Billing Copy)
- Prints when you post an order to the loaded stage in the shipper and you have the “Automatically Print Billing Copy after Shipping” option set in Administration -> Warehouses -> Shipping Settings.
Shipper (Driver Copy)
- Prints when you post an order to the packed stage in the shipper and you have the “Automatically Print Driver Copy after Packaging” option set in Administration -> Warehouses -> Shipping Settings.
Payable Invoice
Shipper (Signature)
- After making deliveries with the Handheld and synchronizing it with Savance Enterprise, eDocuments for the signature captures are generated as PDF files. A file location needs to be specified on the Savance Server.
- Enter a payment on the Invoicing tab in the shipper.
- Accept a payment for a cash account in Point Of Sale mode.
- Accept a payment for an account in Point Of Sale mode with the CASH option checked.
- In the Accounting Manager, there is a Statements option under Accounts Receivable. After searching for and choosing which accounts, follow the wizard to print the Statement.
- If you queue the Statement for printing later, then go to the Print Documents section of the Accounting Manager to complete the process.
Deposit Slip
- Go to Record Deposits in the Accounting Manager. Select some checks for a bank deposit and hit Save. You will then be given the option to print a deposit slip.
- Issue a check in the Write Checks section of the Accounting Manager.
- If the Queue to Print option is checked in Write Checks, then go to the Print Documents section of the Accounting Manager to complete the process.
Remittance Advice
- This is a vendor-level setting. In the Delivery Methods tab of the Vendor Manager, enable the Remittance Advice by placing a checkmark in the Remittance Advice print checkbox. In the Accounting Manager Accounts Payable Section, if you pay an invoice from that vendor, then the Remittance Advice will print.
Rebate Claim
- Prints when an order is converted and there is stock available. Once exception when you have the ship complete flag checked and not all of the quantities satisfy that requirement. Another exception is if the backorder flag is set.
- Hit the Print Claims button in the Rebate Manager when you have a rebate claim selected.
Fax Cover Page
- Whenever a document is faxed using the Fax button, this print template is used for the cover page.
Credit Memo
- This is an account-level setting. In the Delivery Methods tab of the Account Manager, enable the Credit Memo by placing a checkmark in the Customer Credit print checkbox. In the Accounting Manager Accounts Receivable Section, if you receive money from that customer and they are left with a credit, then the Credit Memo will print.
- In Accounts Receivable, if you use the Customer Payment/Refund option to issue a Customer Credit, a Credit Memo prints.
- Once you have received the items on a RMA receiver and have marked the Credit Status as Credited on the Customer Credit tab, the Issue Refund option becomes available. Hit the Issue Refund button and refund the money in the form of a Customer Credit. A Credit Memo prints once you save.
RMA Receipt
- Once you post a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) to received in the receiver, you can place a checkmark in the Credited box under the Customer Credit tab. This prints once you save.
- In the shipper on a Return To Vendor (RTV), place a checkmark in the Print Packaging List Immediate box. A RTV Pick Ticket will print once you save.
RTV Shipper (Driver Copy)
- In the shipper of a Return To Vendor (RTV), post to the Packed stage to print.
Customer Return
- Hit the Print button when you have a Return Request open.
- Select the Print or Print Preview option from the Order menu.
- Hit the Print button when you have a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) open.
- Select the Print or Print Preview option from the Order menu when you have an RMA open.
Inventory Location Label
- When you are in a shipper or receiver, hit the search button next to the Holding Bin Location for a line item. The Picked Locations screen comes up. Hit the Edit Locations button. Click to highlight a location on the left, and then hit the Print button.
- In the Warehouse Manager, choose the Location Management option. Right-click a location from the list and choose the Print Location Label option. Hit the Print button.
Payment Receipt
- In the Accounting Manager, under Accounts Receivable, choose the Customer Payment/Refund option. The Payment/Refund Money screen will come up. Choose Customer Payment for the Transaction Type and fill out the rest of the information. After hitting the Accept Payment button, you will be given the option to print a Payment Receipt.
Refund Receipt
- In the Accounting Manager, under Accounts Receivable, choose the Customer Payment/Refund option. The Payment/Refund Money screen will come up. Choose Refund for the Transaction Type and fill out the rest of the information. After hitting the Issue Refund button, you will be given the option to print a Refund Receipt.