Support Suite
AD Sync Causes Loss of User Information
Posted by Tyler Skene on 07 October 2014 09:44 AM
The Active Directory (AD) Sync is an easy way to import users into EIOBoard from your company. The system does this by looking at the AD user names and matching them with the EIOBoard users. If the user name in AD is not found as an EIOBoard user, then a new user is created with the specific user name. On the other hand if an EIOBoard user name is not found in the AD, then the account is disabled. Since this is the case, changing the AD user names will cause issues when syncing unless some precautionary steps are taken. When the user name in AD is changed and then a sync occurs with EIOBoard, the old EIOBoard user account will be disabled and a new EIOBoard user will be made with the new user name. In order to prevent this issue, follow the steps below: If you have not run an AD sync after changing the user names in AD, skip to step 3 1. Delete all of the new EIOBoard users. a. Enter the Administration window in the EIOBoard Application or Outlook Add In.
b. Highlight the user that needs to be deleted. c. Select the Delete button. (Bottom right) 2. Enable all of the original EIOBoard users. a. Enter the Administration window in the EIOBoard Application or Outlook Add In. b. Check the Show Disabled Users box. (Bottom right) c. Highlight the user that needs to be enabled. d. Select the Enable button. (Bottom right) 3. Change all of the original EIOBoard user names to the new AD usernames. a. Enter the Administration window in the EIOBoard Application or Outlook Add In. b. Double click the user whose user name has been changed in AD. c. Type the new user name. d. Select the Update button. e. Repeat for all user names that have changed. 4. Run AD Sync. a. Open EIOBoard Server. b. Go to Active Directory Sync tab. c. Select the users that are in EIOBoard. d. Select the Start Manual Sync button. | |