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Knowledgebase: Inventory Control
Stock Adjustment
Posted by Michael Renock on 01 October 2014 10:15 AM

This knowledge base article covers how to use the Stock Adjustment feature in Savance Enterprise.  This feature is used to adjust inventory levels.  To access this screen, right-click on a line item and choose the Stock Adjustment option.



This will bring up the Stock Adjustment screen.  You can easily switch between multiple warehouses by using the drop-down in the upper right corner.  You will notice that there are 3 columns, Current Inventory Levels, Proposed Inventory Changes, and New Inventory Levels.  Changes on this screen are not committed until you hit the Save or Save And Close button.


  • Current Inventory Levels - These are the current inventory quantities.  The values in this column cannot be modified.  It is intended to be used as a reference to look back at as you start to make changes on this screen.
  • Proposed Inventory Changes - You can change the values in this column.  Place a plus/minus value in the field you want to change.  For example, if you want to add 5 items to Location On Hand, enter the number 5 in the box.  The Location On Hand in the next column, New Inventory Levels, will automatically have 5 added to it, showing you what the new value would be.  Likewise, if you would like to remove 5 items, enter -5 with the negative sign.  It basically displays the variance between Current Inventory Levels and New Inventory Levels.
  • New Inventory Levels - You can also change the values in this column.  You can type in an absolute value of what the new quantity should be.  If the Current Inventory Level is 9944, and you change the New Inventory level to 9934, then the -10 variance is automatically calculated in the Proposed Inventory Changes column.



You can also adjust the quantities of the item in warehouse locations.  Hit the Location Details button to bring up the following screen.  It displays the current warehouse locations that the item can be found in.  The Current, Adjustment, and New columns work the same way as on the previous screen.  Enter the new inventory values, as needed.  Any quantity changes on this screen will automatically be transferred to the Stock Adjustment screen once you hit Save.



The View Warehouse Log button displays the history of stock level changes for the item, for auditing purposes.



The Location Management button brings up a screen that allows you to move the item between different warehouse locations.



You probably don't want to give everyone the ability to make stock adjustments.  This feature can be dangerous in the wrong hands.  To control this, use the Adjust System Warehouse Inventory Levels security setting.


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