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Knowledgebase: Point of Sale
How To Copy And Paste Into Savance Enterprise
Posted by Michael Renock on 16 September 2014 03:06 PM

Sometimes you may want to copy part numbers from an e-mail, Word document, or other source, and paste them into Savance Enterprise's spreadsheet.  This can be done easily to save time.  First, locate the text you would like to copy.  In the examples below, I will be copying text from a Word document.  If you would like to select all the text, simply push and hold the left mouse button before the first line.  Then, while still holding the button, drag the mouse downwards towards the bottom of the screen.  Your text will begin to highlight.  Once you have selected everything you want to copy, release the left mouse button.  Now you can copy the text to the clipboard by clicking the right mouse button and choosing the Copy option.  You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-C to do the same.



You can also pick and choose what lines of text you would like to copy to the clipboard.  This is done with the Ctrl key.  First, follow the steps above to highlight the first line you want.  Now, push and hold the Ctrl key, follow the same process again to highlight your next line, and then release the Ctrl key.  Repeat this until you highlight all the lines you want.  Then copy to the clipboard using the same method.



Now that the text you selected has been copied to the clipboard, you are ready to paste it into Savance Enterprise.  On a quote/order spreadsheet, simply right-click on the part number column and choose the Paste option.  You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-V to do the same.



The part numbers you copied will be transferred to the spreadsheet, and Savance Enterprise will automatically pull the part information if the part numbers are valid.



You can also copy from Savance Enterprise and paste to Word, Excel, or some other destination using the exact same process.