Support Suite


Receive Money On Multiple Invoices
Posted by Michael Renock on 27 June 2014 05:04 PM

Sometimes a customer will send you a lump sum of money, and would like you to use it to pay off multiple invoices.  Savance Enterprise makes this process easy.  In the Receive Money tab of Accounts Receivable, search for your customer.  All open invoices will be displayed in the pane below.  If you notice, they will be sorted from oldest to newest.  You can also optionally filter the customer's invoices by job name/number.  Also, the sum of all the open invoices, which is the customer balance, is also displayed.



Next, you will want to type in the amount of money that the customer has sent you.  This goes into the amount field.  Whatever you type here also gets populated into the Undisbursed Amount field.  This is the amount of money that has not yet been selected to be applied to an invoice.



Now you are ready to begin placing a checkmark next to each invoice you would like to apply the payment to.  You can either checkmark them one by one, or checkmark the very first box to select everything.  As each invoice gets selected, it will turn light green.  The Selected Invoice Totals are automatically calculated for you.  As you select each invoice, the Undisbursed Amount will also automatically decrease for you so that you know how much money is left to apply to an invoice.



The customer may send you more money than what all their open invoices sum up to.  You may also be left with an undisbursed amount that is smaller than any open invoice that you haven't checked.  If you decide to post the payment with an undisbursed amount greater than zero, this is considered an overpayment.  Please refer to the following knowledge base article to find out how to deal with this scenario.



You can continue to checkmark invoices after the undisbursed amount reaches zero.  These invoices will turn light red.  You will also receive messages in the yellow section indicating that these invoices have been underpaid.  If you decide to post the payment, this is considered an underpayment.  Please refer to the following knowledge base article to find out how to deal with this scenario.




Hit the Post button to apply the payment to the selected invoices.  After following the appropriate instructions on dealing with over or underpayments, you will see the Posted Successfully message box, and you are done.