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Knowledgebase: Point of Sale
How do you revert a single item on a Purchase Order's receiver back to a prior state?
Posted by Michael Renock on 02 June 2014 04:35 PM

While it is possible to post an entire receiver back to a prior state (for example, from Put Away to Receiving), there may be some instances where you would like to do the same to only one or a couple of line items.  To do so, first identify the line item that you would like to revert back.  If the receiver is currently in the Received stage, then you will want to double-click on the Qty Received and modify the value accordingly.  You can set this quantity to 0 to revert back the entire quantity of the item, or a different number less than originally received, if desired.  Hit the Save button when you are finished.



Likewise, if the receiver is currently in the Put Away stage, then you will want to double-click on the Qty Put Away and modify the value accordingly.  You can set this quantity to 0 to revert back the entire quantity of the item, or a different number less than originally received, if desired.  Hit the Save button when you are finished.



After hitting the Save button, your change will take effect.  The item and the remaining quantity will be reverted back to the Receiving stage.  If you changed the quantity to 0, then the entire line item will be crossed out from the release.



When you go back to the Purchase Order's Status tab, you will notice that a new release has been created.



You are now able to open the new release and see the single line item that you reverted back.  You are free to complete the receiving process for this item like normal.