If you would like to revert a PO from one status to a previous status, this can be done by following these instructions:
First of all, make sure that everything in OrderSavant is closed (except for the main OrderSavant window).
Unfortunately, this cannot be done while using Array (since the information has already been written to Array). However, the workaround is to temporarily switch to Enterprise (Stand-Alone) mode. If you do not use Array, please skip to step #5.
To temporarily switch to stand-alone mode, go to Settings > General Settings > Server. In the Business System Settings section at the top, be sure to select OrderSavant.
When finished, click OK. You will be greeted with a window asking you to restart OrderSavant. Click Yes to restart OrderSavant, and then open it back up.
Open up the PO in OrderSavant. In the Status tab, double-click the Receiver that you would would like to revert.
Click the Post button, and you will have the option to select Receiving or Received. Pick the posting you would like to revert to, and then confirm the action.
The PO has now been reverted back succesfully!
If you use Array, you will have to change the Business System Settings back to Activant Array (in Settings > General Settings > Server).