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What is the Difference between Groups, Locations, and Organizations?
Posted by Jacob Fairbairn on 25 January 2013 09:13 PM

EIOBoard has a large amount of scalability so that hundreds of users can be organized in multiple different ways. Users can be organized based on Groups, Locations, and Organizations. (Please note, however, that having multiple organizations is only available for Customer-Hosted users.) For more information on how to add Groups, Locations, and Organizations and how to add members to each, visit the following sites listed below under each category.

Also, if you would like to view a list of all ways EIOBoard can be scaled, please visit the following knowledgebase article:

Scalability of EIOBoard

Here are a list of advantages and uses for each category:



  • Groups can sort users on a variety of different things: job title, division, department, or even location.
  • A user can be a part of multiple groups. So if a user works in multiple departments or divisions, the user can be placed in all departments or divisions that apply.
  • Each group you create will have its own tab in EIOBoard. Users can easily be filtered by group by selecting one of these tabs.
  • You can also set the Group to only show for a specific location, so that the group's tab and users only show when the location is a part of the currently set filter
  • For more information on Groups, visit the following site: Security Groups and Locations



  • Locations typically sort users by some sort of location (though this is not required): city, building, floor, room, etc.
  • Users can only belong to one location at a time. However, a user can associate his or her status with any location at any time. This can be set up in the administration so that it shows up in the user’s status comment, in the status grid, or on the Kiosk:
  • Users can be easily filtered by location by clicking to bring up the Search Pane. Only users from the selected location will show up in the EIOBoard status board. This is a great way to only see the statuses of users on Floor 5 or users in Building B, for example. By default, the filter will be set based on the current user's Location.
  • For more information on Locations, visit the following site: Security Groups and Locations



  • Organizations are a great way to separate much larger divisions of your EIOBoard. It could be for different organizations, but it could also be for different departments, locations, etc. if they are large in size.
  • Each Organization in EIOBoard will have its own settings. You may want to force only certain users to log in from the Kiosk, or you may want a certain list of statuses or groups that are specific to a business unit. You may also want sub-administrators who can only administer users within their business unit. These and any other settings can be differentiated among users based on Organizations.
  • If enabled, users can search among Organizations by clicking to bring up the Search Pane. However, this must be enabled first by the Administrator.
  • Do you not want users from Division A looking at the statuses of users in Division B? Administrators can prevent users from seeing users in other Organizations by limiting their visibility if necessary.
  • For more information on Organizations, visit the following site: How Can I Utilize EIOBoard Organizations?