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Knowledgebase: Printing & Faxing
Why does it take so long to print from OrderSavant?
Posted by Jacob Fairbairn on 01 November 2012 12:42 PM

If you are having delays in printing from Savance Enterprise, there are a couple of possible issues. Here are some of the possibilities.


  1. There could be bad wiring. Make sure the physical connections are good and that no old wires are being used.
  2. There could be a bad network connection. To test this, you can take a look at the bottom left of your screen immediately before printing to make sure that the test connection is good.

You can also take a look at your database to see if there was a bad connection during the print. To do so, open up a new query in SQL Management studio. Type in the following query and then click "! Execute" when finished.


SELECT DocumentDescription TCPStatus, TCPError, TCPDateTimeAttempted, TCPDateTimeSent
FROM DispatchQueue dq JOIN DocumentTypes dt ON dq.DocumentType = dt.DocumentTypeSys WHERE OrderSys = XXXXXX AND DispatchType = 0


The "XXXXXX" represents the OrderSys, which is the red number at the top left of the screen in the OrderSavant order.

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